Symbeeosis | Organic Mountain Tea and Hibiscus
Greek Organic Mountain Tea & Ibiscus
A unique blend made of mountain tea and hibiscus, ideal for a sense of well-being and a delightful taste, while at the same time offering important benefits to strengthen the body.
Description: A special blend made of mountain tea and hibiscus, ideal for a sense of well-being and a delightful taste, while at the same time offering important benefits to strengthen the body. Known throughout the ages for its beneficial properties, mountain tea has an antioxidant and tonic effect and enhances memory and immunity. Hibiscus is traditionally used mainly as a diuretic agent. The anthocyanidins and phenolic acids it contains make it an antioxidant, further enhancing the antioxidant properties of the mixture. It is also traditionally used to relieve coughs and sore throats, as is mountain tea, for which it has received praise from the European Medicines Agency. For even greater potency, the mixture is enhanced with the active dry extract of Sideritis scardica Mountain Tea.
Origin: The mountain tea selected for this blend is Sideritis scardica that grows on Mount Olympus, the mythical residence of the Ancient Greek gods, but also an invaluable ecosystem. Olympus is a paradise of diverse and unique flora: home to over 1500 plant species, it includes areas where almost all plant life is locally endemic. The region is a protected national park and a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, ranked among the most prized in the world in terms of flora. This is where we get our mountain tea, grown with contemporary organic practices and with respect for the environment. The region’s ideal natural conditions, our innovative farming practices, and our approach of working with nature rather than exploiting it, produce a mountain tea with exceptional nutritional and flavor properties.
Uses: Hot beverage: Heat 250 ml water to 95°C. Steep the pyramid for 3-5 minutes. Ideally, cover the cup to preserve the tea’s aromas and active ingredients. Then remove the pyramid and, if you wish, add Symbeeosis honey or stevia.
Cold beverage: Prepare like a hot beverage but with half the water, then add cold water or ice.
Tip: To make your beverage stronger, use less water per pyramid. To make it lighter, use more.
Be symbiotic: Add Symbeeosis honey or stevia if desired. If you wish to boost its digestive properties, add fresh mint leaves, cinnamon, and lemon slices. It also goes well in combination with ginger, cloves, or nutmeg.
DIY ideas: Take advantage of the Symbeeosis metal case to store pencils and pens, paint brushes, kitchen tools, and even screws or staples!
Available in 21gr (15 pyramids (1.3g) with organic mountain tea (Sideritis scardica), organic hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), and organic dry mountain tea extract.)